Employment attorney Ray Nardo waged two legal battles to secure the reinstatement of an employee at a private school. The employee, working under an agreement implying tenure, faced termination by the school district, which claimed she was an at will employee.
In response, Mr. Nardo filed an Article 78 petition in the Supreme Court of the State of New York. Article 78 is a tool to challenge actions or inactions by New York State and local government agencies. It can be used against various entities, including private companies operating under statutory authority. In this case, the Supreme Court of the State of New York ruled in favor of the employee, acknowledging her tenured status and ordering her reinstatement—with back pay. However, the private school appealed the Supreme Court’s decision. Undeterred, Mr. Nardo fought for his client a second time, and the *Appellate Court* reaffirmed the employee’s tenured status, ordering her reinstatement with back pay.
This victory, where an employee returned to work through Article 78 proceedings, underscores the importance of legal expertise in workplace disputes. The case exemplifies the power of attorney perseverance and the role of legal advocacy in upholding individuals' rights amid unjust termination. In cases like this one and many others, Employment Attorney Raymond Nardo guides clients through the complex landscape of seeking justice in the modern workplace.
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